104 Articles - pg. 1 3 4 5 6 Camp Roster : 1965 - Published on March 9, 2019 ... By 1965 the membership was down to 16. Charles S. Via was serving as Camp Commander, after the untimely death of Paul Knabe the previous year. The venerable Lee Meriwether (now 103 years old) served as 1st Lieutenant Commander, John B. Peters of Kirkwood served as Adjutant, Colonel D.H. Hundley served as Treasurer, and Fred Niemeyer served as Chaplain that year. Other members included: J. M. Alexander, K. R. Cannon, S. Courtney Jr., W. W. Crowdus, L. Jones, D. Luten, &... Gene Dressel Article Length: Very Short |
Camp Roster : 1964 - Published on March 9, 2019 ... The organization stabilized at 19 members in 1964, as two more members dropped out, one new one was added, and one past member was re-instated. The office of Treasurer was dropped, and the Camp Adjutant ( Col. Hundley) did both jobs. Paul Knabe remained as Commander, Lee Meriwether - Lieutenant Commander, and Fred Niemeyer - Chaplain. That year Commander Knabe died of a heart ailment (September 13th, 1964) he was 76 years old. Other members included:
K. R. C... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1963 - Published on March 9, 2019 ... 1963 saw a new administration take charge of the Camp, and a further decline in membership. These should have been the premiere years for the Sons of Confederate Veterans, as the Nation Celebrated the 100th Anniversary of the War for Southern Independence, but for some reason interest was waning. Membership had gone from 55 members in 1960 to 19 by 1963. Paul Knabe was elected to Command the Camp during these trying times, and the venerable Lee Meriwether served as 1st Lieute... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1961-1962 - Published on March 9, 2019 ... No reports are available for 1961, and the only event report available for 1962 was the celebration of Lee Meriwether’s 100th birthday, held at his home. Membership seems to have suffered a steep decline that year for some inexplicable reason. A typed roster indicates that only thirty men remained in the Camp.... Gene Dressel Article Length: Very Short |
Camp Roster : 1960 - Published on March 9, 2019 ...Membership increased only slightly in 1960 (up from 52 members to 55). The Camp officers remained the same. As the Centennial years (1961, 1965) approached, efforts to co, ordinate activities with The United Daughters of the Confederacy, National and State Centennial Commissions, the State Historical Society of Missouri, the Missouri Historical Society, and the newly formed St. Louis Civil War Round Table intensified. Every effort was being made to insure that the Southern Cause would be represe... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1959 - Published on March 9, 2019 ...In 1959 there was a significant change in the Camp leadership as William L. Atwood was elected Commander. He brought with him a whole new staff of officers:
William L. Atwood, Commander
Hall Wingfield, 1st Lt. Commander
Herbert C. Phillips Jr, 2nd Lt. Commander
Alexander C. Nivin, Adjutant
Phil Brumbaugh, Treasurer
Cyril Clemens, Quartermaster
W. William Dalton, Judge Advocate
John C. Mosby III, Color Sergeant
George W. Tucker, Historian... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1958 - Published on March 9, 2019 ... The Camp lost another of its long time supporters in 1958 when Francis Marion Curlee passed away on March 17th. He too was 81 years old when he died. Herbert C. Phillips was elected Commander, and there were several significant changes in the other offices:
Herbert C. Phillips
Kirkwood, Mo.
F. Dudley Petrie
1st Lt. Commander
Pierce Bldg
A. C. Abbott
2nd Lt. Commander
Congress Hotel
... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1957 - Published on March 9, 2019 ... 1957 saw very few changes in either the administration or membership of the Camp. Charles Via was re-elected Commander and the membership had stabilizes at 52 members. The only change in officers was that Hall N. Wingfield took Fred Niemeyer’s place as Camp Quartermaster. The Camp lost one of its long time members in 1957 when Joseph Mullen passed away on March 19th of that year. He was 81 years old and an active Camp member til his last days. He had served as Camp Comm... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1956 - Published on March 9, 2019 ... 1956 saw a new administration in place and a few changes in Camp officers. Charles Stuart Via became Camp Commander for the first time. He was to serve in this position several more times throughout the years. Carl P. Daniel was elected 1st Lieutenant Commander, Herbert Curlee Phillips Jr. was elected Adjutant (he would become Commander in 1958), Carl P. Daniel Jr. became treasurer, and Frederic L. Niemeyer became Quartermaster (he had been Camp Commander in 1948). Wyli... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1955 - Published on March 9, 2019 ...William W. Crowdas
506 Olive St
Lorraine Jones
309 Merchants Exchange Bldg
1st Lt. Commander
Wylie Creel
5560 Pershing
2nd Lt. Commander
Charles S. Via
Kirkwood, Mo
Herbert Curlee Phillips Jr
1001 Washington Blvd
C. Peyton Daniel
Pierce Bldg
Walter C. Rawls Jr.
Boatman’s Bank Bldg
Judge Advocate
Dr. Drew Luten... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1954 - Published on March 9, 2019 ... On January 18th, 1954 Sterling Price Camp #145 celebrated their 55th Annual Lee - Jackson Memorial Dinner. The event was once again held at the Winston-Churchill Hotel in St. Louis. The hotel was located just north of the present St. louis Regional Medical Center, near DeBaliviere and Delmar. This year the guest speaker was the Honorable John M. Dalton, Attorney General for the State of Missouri. Mr. Dalton was also a member of Sterling Price Camp at this time. A roster for t... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1950-1953 - Published on March 9, 2019 ... No reports were found for the years, 1950, 1951, and 1952. On January 21st, 1953 Sterling Price Camp #145 held their Annual Lee - Jackson Memorial Dinner at the Winston - Churchill Hotel located at the intersection of Belt and Cabanne Avenues. The event had been held here in 1952 also. Their guest speaker was Reverend H. Louis Patrick, pastor of the Westminister Presbyterian Church, who spoke on General Robert E. Lee. Rev. Patrick had recently moved to St. Louis from Charlott... Gene Dressel Article Length: Short |
Camp Roster : 1948-1949 - Published on March 9, 2019 ...1948
In 1948 Compatriot Frederick Lawson Niemeyer was elected Commander of Sterling Price Cap #145, and Paul Knabe was elected Adjutant. Mr. Knabe went on to become Camp Commander in 1953 and again in 1963. By 1948 the membership had dropped to 54 (down from 65 in 1947). The entire Missouri Division consisted of only three Camps by this time; #145 Sterling Price - St. Louis, #633 Geo. M. Francisco - Marshall, MO., and #310 Francis M. Cockrell - Kansas City, MO.
In 194... Gene Dressel Article Length: Very Short |
Camp Roster : 1947 - Published on March 9, 2019 ... No reports were found for the World War II era, but in 1947 a Camp roster indicated that, of the 114 members listed in 1939, 47 were still active and 18 more had been added. This made for a total of 65 members as of December 1, 1947. Some, such as Compatriot Chilton Atkinson, had been members of Sterling Price Camp #145 for almost 50 years, and had served in other prominent positions within the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Many had served in the military during World War II,... Gene Dressel Article Length: Very Short |
Camp Roster : 1939 - Published on March 9, 2019 ...On August 18, 1939 a very interesting list was circulated that contained the names of 114 members of the Sterling Price Camp #145. It contained not only current (1939) members, but also names of those who had served in the past. Some of these men had passed away by this time, and the list is by no means complete. Included were 23 Camp #145 Commanders who had either served in the past, or would serve in the near future. Their St. Louis addresses, and occasionally places of business wer... Gene Dressel Article Length: Medium |
Contact Us - Published on March 9, 2019 ...If you are interested in our camp, send us a message and we'll try to get back to you as soon as possible!
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Monthly Meetings - Published on March 8, 2019 ... We meet once a month (except in July and August where we have no meetings). Our meetings are times where fellow members can share information about their ancestors, their current historical research, or some newly found Confederate heritage site (topics ranging from the recent discovery of the Confederate troopship, CSS Kentucky, "The Invasion of Camp Jackson", or a battlefield account by a St. Louis area Confederate soldier). Many of our members are re-enacto... |
100 Years of Price Camp History : 1899-1999 - Published on March 8, 2019 ... We all have a natural curiosity about our past. It’s a universal trait in historical organizations such as ours. We are all enthralled and absorbed with reminiscences of the “Lost Cause”, and the impact that this watershed event had on our American culture. We all enjoy pondering how things might have been, if only a few things were changed. For instance: What if, “Stonewall” Jackson would have been at Gettysburg; or, what if....Captain Nathaniel... Gene Dressel Article Length: Long |
The Southern Cross : Price Camp Newsletter - Published on March 8, 2019 ...The Newsetter for Price Camp #145... |
Our Mission - Published on March 8, 2019 ... We hope our website is not only educational but enjoyable as well. We believe Confederate heritage is one part of America's diversity which must be preserved. This includes educating the public about the ethnic diversity that existed in the Confederate ranks. Since Confederate veterans and their descendants include individuals from all races, we invite all male descendants regardless of skin color, ethnicity, and creed to join us in protecting the memory of the Confederat... |