Price Camp SCV Price Camp SCV
Camp Roster
by Gene Dressel

     Commander Hardy continued to serve in 1992, and was instrumental in having Sterling Price camp host the annual Division Reunion in St. Louis County that year. It was held on April 11th 1992 at the historic “Oakland House” in Affton, Missouri. Presiding over the meeting was Division Commander Keith Daleen. At this meeting April 26th was established as Missouri Confederate Memorial Day, Sterling Price Camp donated the flagpole to our Elm Springs National SCV Headquarters, Division “Life” Membership was established, and Dr. Patrick J. Hardy was elected Missouri Division Commander.  That summer Ollie Sappington was appointed to serve as Camp Commander, and Gene Dressel was appointed Commander of the Gen. Bowen MOSB Chapter. On June 12th of that year, long time member, Charles Via passed away at his home in San Diego, California.