Was elected Camp Commander in 1993, and as of this writing ( July 1999), is the current Commander. Commander Sappington, known to his friends as “Ollie”, is a direct descendant of John Sappington, Revolutionary War veteran and early pioneer (1805) of St. Louis County. He grew up in Richmond Heights, where he attended public schools and worshiped at Richmond Heights Presbyterian Church. Ollie holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, Bachelor of Science in Education, and Master of Arts in Education degree from Southeast Missouri State University. He is a Life Member of the Eagle Scout Association and a Wilson C. Morris Fellow of the Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity. He is also active in the Sappington-Concord Historical Society. He and his wife, Dr. Barbara Bramon Sappington, reside in Oakville, Missouri with their daughters Heather Elise and Emily Elizabeth. Ollie is a member of the English department at Mehlville Senior High School, where he has taught for over 25 years as well as coached wrestling, water polo, and girl’s cross country. He currently is the sponsor of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes on the school’s campus. The Sappingtons are active members of Faith Lutheran Church in Oakville. Ollie’s family had a rich Southern heritage which included over 40 Sappingtons who wore the gray. He is a Life Member of the SCV, a member of the Military Order of Stars and Bars, and the Order of the Southern Cross. He recently served as Commander of the Missouri Division for four years, and is currently Quartermaster-in-Chief for the National SCV. Ollie has been presented numerous awards for his service in preserving our Southern heritage, including the United Daughters of the Confederacy’s prestigious Jefferson Davis Historical Medal. This is Commander sappington’s seventh year of serving as Commander of Sterling Price Camp #145.